Everyone is a genius at least once a year; a real genius has his original ideas closer together.
G. C. Lichtenberg
I am used to going back over my paintings many, many times but when it comes to painting fur it's a whole new ball game. I don't know how many layers are on here but to my mind it still needs a lot more. He is starting to look quite fluffy though.
The above quote has nothing to do with this painting but everything to do with this blog. For days I have been going around and around trying to sign on using my user name and changing my password over and over all to no avail. Finally I just went to the blogspot website and signed on through that and it worked! I may not be a genius everyday but every once in awhile the light bulb does go off.
Anyway, back to this painting. I'm still not happy with the background ~ not happy with the shade of green. This week my art classes start again so I will ask my teacher for a little help. The green really makes the yellow in the lion pop but it's just not the right shade.