Monday, November 21, 2016

The Blue Pot

 Removing the faults in a stage-coach may produce a prefect stage-coach, but it is unlikely to produce the first motor car.
                                                                         Edward de Bono

            Well, as promised here is a painting in the beginning stages.  Its a small painting ~ 8 X 10 ~ so I was able to get a lot done in just two sittings.  First I did the background and the table and today I worked on the pot.  Not quite sure where I will go from here ~ that's a no-no as supposedly it is much better to have a plan for the entire composition before setting out.  While I did have something in mind I didn't realize that the size of the canvas was going to play such a big part in the final overall look.  Because it is so small I don't want to add a lot of clutter.  The background and the pot are busy enough.  Actually, though, I'm not really sorry I am tackling this piece by piece ~ trying to be more personally creative in my work for a change.  Now I've got some homework to do.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016


Consistency is the last refuge of the unimaginative.

                         Oscar Wilde

I love this quote simply because it fits me to a T.   I procrastinate so much about putting my work on this blog.  While I have every intent of posting photos of my progress on each project I never seem to get around to it.  Anyway, this is the second in the series of six cross stitch patterns of bouquets.  The patterns don't include a border so I am having a great time designing my own ~ guess I do have a little imagination!