Wednesday, July 9, 2008

The Backward Glance 6

When women go wrong, men go right after them.
Mae West

The above quote has little to do with the work I did today except maybe I think she's about to "go wrong." I started putting in the facial features and have decided to make it appear as if she's making eye contact with the viewer. As you stand looking at the painting the idea is to feel as if you are the one she's communicating with ~ you're the one that's in on the secret. To add to that feeling of mystery, I'm working on making the draperies even darker and heavier. I want the viewer to feel as if he's standing in the shadows having just arrived at the most awkward moment and yet unable to look away.

The painting of the bouquet is something I've been working off and on for awhile and have just finished. It's a small canvas ~ 8" x 10" ~ and was a nice change to work on when I would get tired of wrestling with the big canvas I'm using for The Backward Glance.

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