Advice is like snow; the softer it falls, the longer it dwells upon, and the deeper it sinks into, the mind.
Samuel Taylor Coleridge
After the local art show was cancelled I became very discouraged. I love "doing" art ~ I don't love "marketing" art. I suppose that's true of all artists, though. Anyway, my good friend Lynn encouraged me to keep at it. Lynn's positive, cheerful outlook on life is a gift she generously shares with everyone she meets. So, Lynn, if you're reading this, thanks for the kind words.
I started this small painting last week. I am particularly interested these days in getting the background of my paintings correct. The right mixture of darks and lights are not only key to making the figure pop out but in making him look three dimensional. I've blocked in where I want the shadows to be but now need to spend some time blending them in with the highlights in the background.
1 comment:
Go Peggy...
Thanks for sharing your exquisite gift. Your art has touched my life.
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