God gave man work, not to burden him, but to bless him, and useful work, willingly, cheerfully, effectively done, has always been the finest expression of the human spirit.
Walter R. Courtenay
Well, as you can see I put in a fair number of hours today on the water. This has been quite time consuming but once I got into I really enjoyed it. My teacher had some really good pointers about making the swans appear as if they are actually sitting in the water not on it. However, I am so anxious to get to work on the swans now. Although I am glad I listened to my teacher and spent more time on the pond, I feel it still needs a lot more work. The next session, however, will definitely be spent on the birds. Its time to give them a little attention. Since there's only one more class to go I want to be sure and get my teacher's input on them as well.
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