Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Apples with Pot

Success is that old A B C ~ ability, breaks and courage.


The time had come to put the ring on the pot. I was in my art class and wanted to know the best technique to get a perfect ring drawn. I had all sorts of implements on hand and was anxious to discuss them with my teacher. When he came over and I began to explain all the steps I was going to take he just looked at me and smiled. "Draw it," he said, "just draw it." Then he handed me a white charcoal pencil and started to walk away. Why not, I thought, I can always paint over it. But, lo and behold, it worked! Perhaps success is really more C B A ~ I think courage has to come first.


emily said...

I love this one - the colors, the ring... everything!

Anonymous said...

You nailed the ring!