The drop of rain maketh a hole in the stone, not by violence, but by oft falling.
Hugh Latimer
I've had a hard time working on anything else since I started this small painting. I was very anxious to see if the original plan of locking in the drawing with the gesso overcoat would work. Actually if I had the patience to follow the drawing with a very small brush and very small strokes it would probably have been possible to get a much closer resemblance to the source material since the underdrawing did hold up rather well. But since the drawing was a copy of someone else's view of the flower it wasn't my nature to follow their exact plan. The whole idea of art is to interpret what one sees even if one is looking at another artist's work. Of course, this painting is not done yet. That's where perseverance comes in. This will probably sit for awhile now but at some point I'll finish it.